An elderly women walked up to the two couples and said, “I have terrible swelling in my right leg…can you help me?”  The doctor was a specialist who was on vacation and wasn’t surrounded by his throng of nurses and medical supplies he was accustomed to having at his disposal. Not to mention “legs and swelling” didn’t fall into his normal scope of the kinds of problems he usually dealt with. His mind began to spin as he tried to access how he was going to be of any help to the women- right there in the restaurant.

She wasn’t making an urgent request, altho it was an impassioned plea for help…she wasn’t short of breath or grasping her chest as though it was something wrong with her heart.

The pastor hesitated for only a moment when he announced, “We’d all be happy to help!”  and he sprung US all into action.

He looked at the doctor and their two wives and declared, “Let’s pray over her.”

“Right here in the middle of the restaurant?” was all I kept thinking…

When God has a job for us, He doesn’t usually give us all of the equipment we’re used to having at OUR disposal.

But He does supply and EQUIP us with everything that we need.
Why not pray right there in the middle of the restaurant?

God had equipped each one of us to help the hurting woman. It really didn’t matter that one of our group was a doctor or a pastor…each one of us had everything we needed to help this women.
We can’t easily do every task set before us, with out having the right tools.

But we CAN easily pray for a stranger or a friend. On or off vacation. With or without the supplies we are used to.

When we are ready and willing to pray for one another, anywhere, anytime…It demonstrates the Jesus we know as the hero of our story.

Praying to God, is proof to everyone around you that you know God is on your side…AND we have all of the equipment that we need for any situation

Don’t let the busyness of your summer schedule keep you from spending time with The Lord. Remember we’re running a race. Let it be a joy to know, when we’re running with Jesus, we’ve already won!

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit. 1Thessalonians 5:16-19